Iris Zimmermann Iris Zimmermann

The Not-So Resilient Olympian- Patience versus Acceptance

The Not-So-Resilient Olympian writes again.

This article is inspired by a client session where we discussed the difficulty of being told to be patient. We of the "Tribe of Impatience" are driven to even higher levels of annoyance and impatience when told to be patient.

When I look at my business, I want my vision of success to happen NOW! If you feel like my client or myself, here are some tools to help - acceptance, regaining control and trust in processes and ourselves.

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Iris Zimmermann Iris Zimmermann

The Tale of a not-so Resilient Olympian

Sometimes when clients cancel or don't show up - you are at the crossroads of "why am I doing this anyways" and "let's just write an article about it".

I hope you enjoy and take something away from my latest musings as an Olympian/perfectionist turned solopreneur.

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Iris Zimmermann Iris Zimmermann

Your Annual Review Awaits

Hard to believe, but we are coming towards the end of the year. We may receive annual reviews, but so few of us take the time to personally reflect on where we are now or what we have learned to help us get clear about our intentions for the next year.

In this article, I share some of the questions that I ask my clients when we do our personal annual review. The stepping back allows us a more clear vision of what we want to set as our priorities and intentions for the year ahead. That article is up and coming.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."

-Will Durant

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Iris Zimmermann Iris Zimmermann

Want to engage your team? Try some praise for a job well done.

Nope. I am not talking about the feedback sandwich.

As a Performance Coach and former athlete, I notice how hardwired we are for directive feedback. “I want to know where I can improve, so that I can perform at my best,” my clients say. Eventually, if the focus is always on what needs to be done better, the clients start to take their strengths for granted. The result is that the bar is set higher and higher until it is completely out of reach, leading to burnout and increased stress.

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Iris Zimmermann Iris Zimmermann

Put. The. Fear. Down.

This has been one hell of a week. I decided to write more to help me and perhaps help others along the way if they need to hear the message. I hope my journey helps your journey in some way.

Either way, know we are all together and we are all feeling what we feel. Be well and be safe, friends.

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