Your Annual Review Awaits

The consistent practice of looking back and setting goals is very much a carry over from my years as an athlete - what did I learn, what do I know now, what do I want to achieve and grow in the next year?

Some of my longer term clients have started this process of reflection of the year - their own personal annual review. The next article will be of looking forward and setting intentions/goals/priorities for the next year. I use all those slashes because sometimes the word "goals" can give us the anxiety producing heebie-jeebies.

Here are some questions you can begin to think about. This isn't a set playlist for all clients, but perhaps it can help you begin to catalyst some deeper reflection before you start to think about the year ahead.

Looking back:

  1. What were my top priorities for my professional and personal life this year? List them out.

  2. Looking back at my calendar, what did I prioritize? Did that match up with the intentions I set for myself? Were my choices aligned with my priorities?

  3. What mistakes did I make and what did I learn from them? Or what may I still be learning from them? Why do I feel they are mistakes?

  4. What are the top 3 things I learned about myself this year?

  5. If I were to write a thank you speech to myself, what would I thank myself for? Another way to ask this is what are 1-3 things I am proud of from this past year? These can be externally validated victories or sometimes we have invisible victories that we have accomplished.

More resources below.

Tim Ferris' Past Year Review

Dr. David Peterson (Google) Reflection Calendar

Sometimes you need someone else to ask the questions to reflect back, set up a time for a coaching consultation call today.


The Tale of a not-so Resilient Olympian


Want to engage your team? Try some praise for a job well done.