Invisible Victories - Becoming Your Own Champion

Invisible Victories is something Whitney invented decades ago to celebrate the hard work of the inner journey. Iris and Whitney can both recall moments as athletes when their visible accomplishments were impressive, shiny, and attractive in the visible world. Yet simultaneously, their nervous system and emotional regulation, well being; the invisible parts of their experience, were anything but shiny. This episode explores the visible and invisible experiences of our lives. It explores the conundrum of the promise that achievement in the visible world will improve our invisible or inner experience of it. How do we reconcile this? How do we UNTRAIN from this mindset? Tune in to hear our thoughts and experiences.

Poem from the Podcast

Victory’s Visit

By Whitney Otto


When I recall its visits to me

Felt peaceful.

It actually wasn’t a clamoring of fists in the air

But a temporary lull

Of striving and proving

In it’s company I felt free of self-doubt

I experienced a solid encounter with my own capacity

It was a like a long hug with myself





And then, this feeling would pass.

How it was a cycle of temporary relief, and then the effort all over again. But the real healing for me has been not in the shiny medals, but learning to give myself that warm hug, and surrounding myself with people who see me.

Back to the notion of UNTRAINING, untraining our orientation towards outer life to the detriment of our inner life.


Redefining Success with the Winningest Harvard U.S. Olympian of All Time- Part 1


Jealousy, Comparison, and “not-enougness” as Pathways to Personal Discovery